Henry's Mower Blade High Lift 22-7/8" #H2500975

Henry’s Mower Blade High Lift 22-7/8″ #H2500975

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Henry’s Mower Blade High Lift 22-7/8″ #H2500975

  • Minimum order quantity is 6 blades. Blades are priced individually and sold in forced multiples of 6 (one case). Made in the U.S.A.
  • Maximum airflow provides a neater, more manicured look
  • High suction capacity ideal for collecting and bagging
  • Suitable for damp grass conditions and non-sandy soil
  • Recommended for thicker or taller grass
Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 23 × 3 × 2 in

Part substitution

This item can be used in substitution for the following parts:

 Ariens 21546611
 AYP 138971, 575937801, 575937901, 917532138971, 917532403107, 917532405380, 917777405380, 531307224, 403107, 405380, 532405380, 531309715, 917138971P
 Briggs & Stratton 704425
 Craftsman 403107, 531307224, 532138971
 Dixon 532138971, 777405380, 138971, 532403107, 532405380
 Husqvarna 531309715, 532403107, 532405380, 575937801, 575937901, 138971, 405380, 531307224, 532138971, 777405380
 Poulan 531309715, 532403107, 575937801, 575937901, 777405380, 531307224, 532138971, 532405380
 Snapper 704425