This item is available as an individual replacement part. The left bracket goes between the thumbscrew and the left control handle. A screwdriver might be needed during the installation process. It will require replacing if it becomes broken. This is an authentic Echo replacement part used in compatible backpack blowers.
This part is compatible with the following machines:
PB-770T (P03012001001-P03012999999) Backpack Blower
PB-770T (P05311001001-P05311999999) Backpack Blower
PB-770T (P30713001001-P30713999999) Backpack Blower
PB-760LNT (P37912001001 – P37912999999) Backpack Blower
PB-760LNT (P39413001001 – P39413999999) Backpack Blower
PB-760LNT (P39611001001 – P39611999999) Backpack Blower
EB770RT (P52115001001-P52115999999) Blowers Backpack